Best practices breed mediocrity.

Hear me out. Best practices are necessary. I’m not suggesting that you throw them out the window. However, over time, best practices become industry norms which means you’re just doing what everyone else is doing.

Best practices are a great starting point for building something exceptional but they are the beginning, not the end destination.

Because doing what everyone else is doing makes you average, middle of the road.

Standing in the middle of the road will get you run over.

Once you have captured the low-hanging fruit of the best practices, your next necessary step is to separate yourself from your competitors. To stand out in a crowded world, you have to add something extra to the ordinary. 

The key to creating extraordinary success is to provide extraordinary value.

What value does your organization offer that makes you different?
What can customers get from you that they can’t get anywhere else?

In marketing terms, we call this a Unique Value Proposition, UPV.

Along with your Core Values and Mission Statements, clearly articulating your UVP is one of the most important things you can do to focus and align your organization. 

For example, our Unique Value Proposition at DRYVE is “we walk alongside leaders and their people to develop a Shared Purpose to build a collaborative culture that improves results.”


We don’t just hand over a map and expect you to find your own way. We are there with you through thick and thin – every step of the way. That is why we call it a partnership. This statement guides everything we do.

I encourage you and your team to come up with a list of three things that sets you apart. Three things that make you stand out from the crowd. 

If you get stuck, or just want to collaborate on it with us, reach out to CieraAgee@DLG.Coach, and we’ll set a time to work on it together at no charge. It is our gift to you.