Are You The Wrong Bus?
Written by Randy Mayes
Popularized by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great, the phrase “Get the right people on the bus, and then get them in the right seats” has become a regular part of our business vernacular. That book was published almost 25 years ago. There were more workers than jobs. Employers had lines of people wanting to ride their bus. Supply and demand favored the employer. Mostly, it didn’t matter what kind of boss you were. You were the boss, and you could pretty much do anything you wanted.
How times have changed!
No longer is it an employer’s game. Employees have choices. Many of them are choosing not to ride your bus. And it is not because they are snowflakes or don’t want work. It is because you are not leading well. Your focus is on you and your agenda. They don’t have to put up with it anymore. They have choices.
I consistently find next-generation workers who are working their butts off because the organization they are part of is focused on a mission, a purpose, or a cause that is making the world a better place.
What they want is an opportunity to grow and develop, to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and to belong. And you will probably find this shocking, but they want to be led by a kind and caring leader who cares about more than just the numbers. They need and want your feedback. If you own that space, you will have no problem attracting a great team.
Things are not returning to how they were in the good old days. Stop looking for a few good employees and start being a good leader. Today’s workforce is in charge of what bus they will ride. Make sure you and your organization are the bus they choose to ride.
Let’s talk if you are wondering how to build a bus that today’s workforce wants to ride.
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