DRYVE Leadership Group

The Diet Pill Myth For Business

Imagine how great business could be if you had employees that were as dedicated and capable as you, salespeople that all consistently shatter quotas, and lots of customers that were loyal and eager to do business. Is there a “diet pill” that would instantly bring about these changes within your company?

Remember, the goal is to create sustainable success, not just another “flavor of the month.” The good news is that some version of this dream is absolutely within your reach, just as having a great beach body is if you know what to do, get help doing it, and don’t take shortcuts. Unfortunately, we too often have a “diet pill” mentality when it comes to improving our business.

One way that plays out in business is the “hope” that bringing in some training will magically transform one area or another in our businesses. According to an article in Forbes, firms in the US spent 87.6 billion dollars in 2018 on these diet pills, aka short-term training and development. While the author correctly pointed out that the ROI on this is absurdly low—and neuroscience and research are bearing this out based on how humans actually grow and develop—his solution wasn’t much better. Adding some follow up and coaching to the training will certainly make for a somewhat better result, just as adding some exercise to taking the diet pills also does. However, without taking a holistic approach to getting healthy versus just getting a little slimmer, your effort will not lead to the lasting, healthy, high-performance organization you deserve. The “diet pill” approach is simply a myth.

The great news is that DRYVE Leadership Group has a proprietary method to achieve the sustainable results that those conventional “diet pills” never can, and we have a track record to boot. The first step toward strategizing a culture of sustainable success for your company is to complete our complimentary culture survey.

If you’re ready to toss out the “diet pill” approach and would like to hear more about how to achieve a sustainable, healthy, high-performance culture, please contact a Culture Coach or call 417.708.7861.