Is Your Team Suffering Separation Anxiety?
Has all the physical separation got you concerned about your culture? If you are a proactive leader, it should. In its simplest form, culture is the way we do things around here. It is a set of—often unspoken—social norms and relational dynamics shared by a group of people. It is held in place and supported by a set of routines and habits. The epic 2020 experience has radically altered our workplace routines and habits.
In the past, most of us would come to work at a physical location, naturally forcing us to interact with others on our team. Because of our physical proximity, it was easy to talk about work and our personal life and interests. Much of this naturally happened as we walked by our co-worker’s office or over a coffee or lunch. With so many of us working from home, many of those natural points of connection are gone. Those opportunities for interaction are the underpinning of human relations and are ultimately a foundation of our culture.
Consequently, an intentional meeting is now more critical than ever, but these meetings will not happen without a new set of routines and habits. A deliberate and proactive connection is the key to maintaining a healthy, high-performance culture. Conversely, isolation will destroy your culture. Humans do not fare well when they are isolated and alone. You, as a leader, are in a position to set the tone by making sure you regularly meet with your staff, even if it is virtually. Talk about new goals, your next action steps, and share updates on progress toward previous goals. Develop a regular meeting cadence built around a consistent day and time to meet. Use a standard agenda that keeps you on track and focused.
Of course, adapt this plan to your situation, but one of my favorite standard meeting agendas is:
- How did you do on last week’s goals?
- What are your goals for this week?
- What are your next action steps to achieve your goals?
- How can we help you?
The agenda is simple, clear, and compelling. It takes little to no time to prepare but keeps your team focused on their top priorities. Most importantly, it allows you to connect with your team around your shared purpose. Staying connected is the key.
See more about what we do on this short video interview recently featured on KY3 TV.
Gain focus. Maintain connection. Contact a Culture Coach at DRYVE Leadership Group today!
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