INSIGHT Stick a Fork in It

Stick a Fork in It

Written by Randy Mayes

I was sitting across the way and saw it with my own eyes. The man was using a fork and knife to eat his hamburger. I thought to myself, how odd. And then, I glanced around the rest of the pub and saw that everyone eating a hamburger was doing so with a fork and knife. I asked myself, “What are these people thinking? You don’t eat a hamburger with a fork and a knife. You pick it up with your hands… unless you’re in France, of course. And then you eat it with a fork and knife.” 

I recently had this exact experience on a trip to France where they eat their hamburgers with a fork and knife. There are no signs stating that hamburgers have to be eaten with a fork and knife. No one tells French people to eat this way, it’s just second nature because it’s part of their culture. Culture is powerful. The results you’re getting as a leader are a byproduct of your organizational culture. Build a healthy, high-performance culture, and you will get great results.

So, what is culture?

Culture is the shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and are considered valid. (The Business Dictionary) 

A simpler definition is the way we do things around here.  

I spend a lot of time working with companies on strategy, and I can resoundingly tell you a great strategy will not overcome an unhealthy culture. Culture wins every time. Peter Drucker said it this way:

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

If you want different results, work on improving your culture. Now, I am not saying it is easy to change your organizational culture. In fact, it is really difficult. That is why I am challenging you as a leader to be intentional about it. If you would like some insight into the overall health of your culture, we are offering a free assessment. Click the link below and find out where your organization stands.