
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Uncle Ben said it best in Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

If you are reading this, he was talking to you.

You have the authority to change the narrative in the hallways of your organization.

You have the platform to speak into this cultural moment through both your actions and words.

You have the ability to shift the direction of your organization.

Should you choose to accept this responsibility—or better yet, because you already have—what will you do with it?

How will you work to engage your people and move them in a common direction around a shared purpose?

Are they clear on what shared purpose they are working for?

In recent Insights, we’ve talked around the Art of Invitation, How Clear Purpose Can Move Your People, and the Practice of Exploration with Your People. In this insight, we will dive deeper into how your company can develop a shared purpose by co-creating a more collaborative culture with your people.

Browse a few of our past insights here:

In the opening lines of this insight, I mentioned three things that have to do with your position in the organization: authority, platform, and ability. However, that is simply a piece of the whole. Take note. Because of your position, the thought at the forefront of your mind must be around how you can engage with the other part of your organization—your people.

Your people are the answer to the problems, not the problem. Your people possess the ability to solve any and all problems that come up. With you in their corner, your people are the organization’s future.

But the question still remains…How? What does it look like to engage with your team on a deeper level?

We start with these three foundational pieces for people engagement:

  • Mutual Respect – People are smart, capable and motivated.
  • Shared Purpose – What do we have in common? What can we achieve together that we can’t achieve alone? How do we want to make the world a better place?
  • Meaningful Dialogue – People rarely disagree, they just think they do. More often than not, they just aren’t having the conversation.

We aren’t claiming this is the cure for all things people engagement. However, we’ve seen it play out across many companies. Anything is possible when we can start with mutual respect, engage them around a shared purpose, and maintain meaningful dialogue.

The more you lead with that, the less you will be necessary. Isn’t that what we all want—to cultivate an environment of deeply entrenched and highly motivated people focused on a shared purpose who work together to collaboratively address anything that comes our way?

We aren’t traditional consultants—we don’t desire to be the point person. We work with your people through high engagement to develop intuitive processes, cultivate a culture of collaboration and establish healthy communication channels.

Your people are the solution, and you have the power and responsibility to engage them!

Let’s connect over the phone, Zoom, a cup of coffee, or a walk—if possible—to discuss more what a partnership could look like!

Schedule a strategy session with us today!

Think of DRYVE Leadership Group as your organization’s guide to better walking with your people, developing a shared purpose, and cultivating a collaborative culture that will DRYVE better business results.