You Said
Written by Randy Mayes Have you ever seen a conflict between two people that was punctuated by the phrase “you said” or “that is not what I said.” I recently witnessed a conversation where one individual abruptly turned to the other and forcefully said “that is not what I said.” Clearly there was a disconnect…
Read MoreWhy Is Trust So Important
Written by Randy Mayes | DRYVE Leadership Coach Why Trust Is So Important People do what they do for a good reason but remember it is for their reasons and not yours Are You Safe? There is an overwhelming body of scientific evidence pointing to the importance of trust and psychological safety. Interestingly, Google conducted…
Read MoreShaping Your Organization
Written by Tyler Head | DRYVE Leadership Coach Shaping your Organization Three Questions that Will Shape Your Organization Who are the relevant parties that need to weigh in?What does winning look like?What next steps can we take? These three questions have undoubtedly shaped how we solve problems together. Often, in the dizziness of our day-to-day…
Read MoreGiving is the only way
Written by Brandon Welch | Frank & Maven “How to keep employees” It’s a phrase that was searched 1,900% more often in November 2023 versus November 2013. But you’re not surprised, are you? Neither am I. My conference room has long echoed with the concerns of well-meaning business leaders all wondering, “How do I stop…
Read MoreTransparency is worth it.
Written by Richard Ollis | Ollis, Akers & Arney Transparency is an interesting aspect of business that many use strategically. Being an employee-owned company, we used to think we were transparent by sharing financial information and communicating goals at quarterly meetings. What we now realize is that we weren’t using transparency as an ongoing strategy.…
Read MoreVulnerability Cultivates Growth
Vulnerability requires practice. Endurance Training is much less about repetition (doing it exactly the same) and much more about consistently showing up to do it. Vulnerability, much like growing muscles, requires time under tension. Over the past year, I spent 4 hours a week under a bar doing back squats, increasing my overall 3 rep…
Read MoreWhat did you expect?
One of the popular sayings I heard early in my management career was “people don’t do what you expect; they do what you inspect.” The underlying premise of this statement is that unless you watch and keep an eye on people, they will inevitably stray off course and take advantage of you. It is built…
Read MoreDo you celebrate?
Imagine how your culture would shift if you put as much energy into celebrating your team’s achievements as they did to accomplish them. My challenge for you as a leader is to become your organization’s celebration czar. Shift your focus from what is wrong to what is right. Find ways to celebrate the big and…
Read MoreIf you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
“…we used to experience disruptions followed by periods of stability, change now is increasingly perpetual, pervasive, and exponential. “ – Harvard Business Review A laser is simply a focused beam of light. It can cut metal or perform the most delicate medical procedures because it is focused. If you want to make meaningful change in…
Read MoreStrategic Planning: Start Well, End Well
The new year is knocking on our door, and if you’re like me, you’re thinking about ending the year well. What I love about the end of the year in the good ole’ US of A is how we gather around tables with family and friends to eat and share stories. If your family is…
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