Vulnerability Cultivates Growth

vulnerability cultivates growth

Vulnerability requires practice. Endurance Training is much less about repetition (doing it exactly the same) and much more about consistently showing up to do it. Vulnerability, much like growing muscles, requires time under tension. Over the past year, I spent 4 hours a week under a bar doing back squats, increasing my overall 3 rep…

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Strategic Planning: Start Well, End Well

Strategic Planning for 2024

The new year is knocking on our door, and if you’re like me, you’re thinking about ending the year well. What I love about the end of the year in the good ole’ US of A is how we gather around tables with family and friends to eat and share stories. If your family is…

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The speed of relationship

Society beckons us to move faster, run harder, and produce more. So we invest in better software, the latest technology, and the next shiny thing that promises better results.  But I have a hunch. Maybe the key to growing your organization is learning to move at the speed of relationship. What does that mean? It…

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What is winning?

A few weeks back, I was at a sports complex with some close friends watching their children play rec league soccer.  Now, I know you may be thinking, what does rec league soccer have to do with growing a business, leading people, and developing my next leadership level. Let me indulge you for a bit.…

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