Your world has been turned upside-down, now what?
As a business leader, the stress of the current events is almost suffocating, but let’s keep it in perspective. It’s not the adverse conditions that create stress; it’s the lack of a meaningful response. Now is the time to step into the fray and lead.
So, where do you begin?
In our experience, great leaders find a way to get focused, take action, and improve results. Some of you may be reading this, knowing that a straightforward plan is exactly what you need. The good news is that you don’t have to have all the answers or “reinvent the wheel.” At DRYVE Leadership Group, we have counseled hundreds of individuals and organizations through crisis.
Maintaining culture is harder than ever. We’ve found the best way to encourage teams is to build a plan of action together. This approach will capitalize on their broad base of organizational knowledge. It will also lead to the magic words in managerial work: natural buy-in.
In light of this, we’re doing something we’ve never done before. For the remainder of this month, DRYVE Leadership Group is offering a FREE web-based Strategy Session (up to two hours) with you and your leadership team. Our expert facilitators will lead your team through a structured conversation. We’ll work with you to identify your best opportunities and biggest challenges and then get you started on a plan of action.
Again, it’s FREE through April 30, 2020, no strings attached. All you have to do is send me an email, or you can call or text me: 417-880-2060. From there, we’ll set up a time that works for both of us. How’s that for a plan?
We know this may be the single-most difficult hurdle you have faced as a leader, but it has the potential to be your finest hour. We look forward to connecting with you to bridge this season of uncertainty and set you up for a successful return to normalcy.
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