The self-driving company | Also, why employees are really quitting
Wouldn’t it be nice to have one of those self-driving cars? All that drive time now yours to do with it whatever you want. Hop in the rig, program in your final destination, sit back and relax. Before you know it, you are there. We have been doing it for years with commercial airplanes. We call it autopilot.
Wouldn’t it be great if your business had an autopilot or self-driving option? Well it does. It’s called culture. Your culture is the social norms and expectations that are shared by the people in your organization. Culture is operating in the background, irrespective of whether or not you are aware of its existence. It is like the water for a fish or air for a human. It surrounds us and is so much a part of what we do that we usually take it for granted.
So, how is your culture? Are people focused, aligned, and accountable? Are you getting the results you want?
The tougher question is how do we intentionally change culture? How do we make our work environment healthier for people and the organization? For more insights on this topic, I have written a FREE printable report called, Why Employees Are Really Quitting-A Guide for Motivating Today’s Workforce. Click here to receive your copy!
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