
Intentional vs. Accidental

By Tyler Head

Imagine we’re sitting down for coffee, and I ask, “…are you completely happy with the progress you made in 2022?”

We hope that you are. We hope this was a banner year for your organization, but I have a follow-up question, “…was it intentional or accidental?”

Without intentionality, all results are accidental.

A year from now, when we catch up over coffee again, what do you hope to tell me you accomplished in 2023? If you haven’t given it much thought yet, you’re not alone. Most leaders want better results but fail to adequately and intentionally plan for those better results. It’s so easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind. Too much to do and too little time to do it. The urgent rules the day. Simply working harder is not the answer.

We’ve all heard the wise old saying about the definition of insanity, and there’s a reason it’s a wise old saying. If you want different results, you need to take different actions. This is where I have seen organizations turn things around with a serious, thoughtful, and formal strategic plan. Let’s face it; the “insanity” won’t stop until you and your organization starts acting differently. Strategic planning provides a compass to continually bring your team back to the most important priorities. This helps all employees prioritize and manage the busy work vying for their attention.

Strategic planning provides a compass to continually bring your team back to the most important priorities.

Both you and your people have all these great ideas running around in your head. “If we could only…” or “I would like to see us…” Until you are willing to get that stuff out of your head and onto paper, it’s just a dream. The best approach is to walk through this process with your people. First, invite them into the conversation, and together you can build out those ideas. From start to finish, we can help you do this more collaboratively with your people.

Creating a strategic plan with your people will force you to prioritize and make meaningful choices about where you will spend your time and resources. Once you and your team focus on your most important initiatives and allow yourself the time and space to work on them, you will be shocked at how fast things change.

Are you tired of the same old same old year after year? Don’t leave the results to chance.

Click here to connect with a Business and Leadership Coach—we will reach out and chat more about it!

Think of DRYVE Leadership Group as your organization’s guide to better walking with your people, developing a shared purpose, and cultivating a collaborative culture that will DRYVE better business results.