Do you measure up?
I have been doing executive coaching professionally since 2005. I have coached doctors, lawyers, business leaders, PhDs, surgeons, CEOs, and genetic scientists. As odd as it may sound, I have become convinced over time that one of the biggest things holding leaders back is not that they think too highly of themselves. They actually don’t…
Read MorePass on the Superstars
Whether you’re a fan or not, Tom Brady is the quintessential “A” player. 10 Superbowl appearances and 7 wins statistically make him the GOAT – the Greatest Of All Time. His long-time coach Bill Belichick was recently interviewed and said, “He always found a way to make his players productive. It didn’t matter who the…
Read MoreAre you safe?
They have you surrounded. They are screaming and making demands. They want money and lots of it. They’ve taken control, and you don’t know what to do. Sound familiar? Just a typical day at the office, right? You could tell them what to do, you are the boss, but rarely is that the most effective…
Read MoreAre you focusing on the right thing?
I am a 64-year-old Baby Boomer. In the world I grew up in, leaders focused on getting results. And in most cases, it didn’t matter how many people you stepped on or used up to get those results as long as you got results. Focus is a powerful thing. It will direct actions and increase…
Read MoreWhat are they really saying?
By Tyler Head That’s the fourth time this month. You just lost another member of your team to a remote position offering more money and flexibility. You were hoping to fly under the radar of the Great Resignation, but it’s kicked down the door of your organization and you’re not sure how many more people…
Read MoreIntentional vs. Accidental
By Tyler Head Imagine we’re sitting down for coffee, and I ask, “…are you completely happy with the progress you made in 2022?” We hope that you are. We hope this was a banner year for your organization, but I have a follow-up question, “…was it intentional or accidental?” Without intentionality, all results are accidental.…
Read MoreIf Your Coffee Mug Has No Handle, Is It a Cup?
By Tyler Head Thanks is an expression of gratitude. To give is to freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone). I am writing this from a coffee shop in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where I grew up. I am sitting at a bar-height table that stretches laterally across the front face of a coffee shop. The…
Read MoreCuriosity Actually Didn’t Kill The Cat
By Tyler Head Curiosity Actually Didn’t Kill The Cat. There was something magnificent in the distance through the barren silhouette of dead trees. Growing in your ability to “Lead with Heart” is an opportunity for you, your people, and your organization. To do this, you must move toward your people with curiosity. Below is a…
Read MoreAre You Encouraging People to Make Mistakes?
By Tyler Head Are You Encouraging People to Make Mistakes? If not, it is unlikely that your business will be around 10 years from now. Psychological Safety – the room and space to take risks and make mistakes without fear or shame is vital to producing the kind of innovation it will take to keep…
Read MoreWill You Bridge The Gap?
By Tyler Head In this insight and the following couple, we will discuss the power of leading with heart and warn you about the cost it has or could incur on your organization should you neglect it. Leading with heart includes characteristics like vulnerability, cultivating psychological safety, and developing high-trust relationships, among others. We will…
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