Three Questions that Will Change The Game

By Tyler Head Your people are complex beings who hunger for meaning, connection, and shared purpose, as are you. I am willing to bet that your people are far more interested in doing a good job than you think. Study after study has proven this point. Your people want a deep and meaningful connection with…

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4 Critical Questions Every Leader Needs to Use

By Tyler Head Listen, we understand the exhausting dealing with today’s workforce can be. Business leaders across the nation are struggling with the same issue. How do we stop pointing fingers and motivate people to move in the same direction? Better yet, how do you get your people to move on their own? We’ve come…

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Cultivate A Culture Of Coaching

By Tyler Head Just because it got you there doesn’t mean it will get “them” there. Traditionally, it has been modeled that you have to know more to lead; you must have the correct answers should your employees call you for help. We all know that “knowledge is power,” and if you are going to…

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You Have The Right Tools—Your People

By Tyler Head How we start does not have to determine how we finish, but it is highly important. When I was 19, amid the early days of college and starting my first business, I had a side hustle working for a car detail shop, hoping it would provide a steady income while starting my…

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Quit Whining And Start Winning

By Tyler Head Our lack of “quality workers” is not solely the fault of some external happenings but a blatant indicator that the system has been headed in the wrong direction for some time. As we press deeper into this idea, I want to recognize that we cannot control everything, but we mustn’t hide from…

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Risk It | Engage & Understand Your People

By Tyler Head Maybe it’s worth risking it all. Learning how to lead and serve your people requires much effort; more listening and less talking. More talking with and less talking at. To do so, we must understand our people. We must learn the language of our team; their wants, needs, pain points, how they…

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Leading Your Team | Moving From Confusion to Clarity

If you are reading this, it’s because you desire to lead your people better in some form or fashion. Good job! We owe it to the people nearest us and ourselves to lead better, even if it’s a little bit—every day counts. I would challenge you, upon reading our insights, to take 3-5 minutes following…

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The Gift of Showing Up Fully

By Tyler Head A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife and much of our family we had not seen in a while. As the rest of the family conversed, my mind drifted off to something that had happened during work earlier that day. From there, it progressed…

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Tools to Change the Way You Lead – Listen Intently & Question Intuitively

As we learn how to lead others better, we must realize that often this starts with leading ourselves better. To listen intently and question intuitively could be two of the most pivotal changes you make in your approach to leading and being with your people in the workplace. How often do we lead meetings where…

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Is Your Team Suffering Separation Anxiety?

Has all the physical separation got you concerned about your culture? If you are a proactive leader, it should. In its simplest form, culture is the way we do things around here. It is a set of—often unspoken—social norms and relational dynamics shared by a group of people. It is held in place and supported…

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