DRYVE Leadership Group

Tools to Change the Way You Lead – Listen Intently & Question Intuitively

As we learn how to lead others better, we must realize that often this starts with leading ourselves better. To listen intently and question intuitively could be two of the most pivotal changes you make in your approach to leading and being with your people in the workplace.

How often do we lead meetings where most of the time is spent with our mouths open and our team’s mouths closed. Supposing you are anything like me, probably pretty often. However, I’ve come to realize the power of listening intently and questioning intuitively.

To intently listen is to show up without an agenda. It is listening to understand and appreciate the other person’s perspective and connecting with the other person human to human.

Notice these characteristics as you learn how to listen intently.

Characteristics of “Listening Intently”:

  • You find yourself genuinely more curious about the speaker’s topic.
  • In that curiosity, you can hear the person’s humanity and see their desire for positive interaction.
  • You can recall most of the speaker’s words naturally and have no problem asking for clarity if you do not fully understand.

Notice these characteristics as you learn how to question intuitively.

When you question intuitively, you are asking questions that invite the unknown. Often, you don’t have answers to these questions. Intuitive questions force you to co-create solutions with your team.

Elements of “Questioning Intuitively”:

  • With more natural and genuine curiosity, you can ask clarifying questions and ask them to “dive deeper” if the situation calls for it.
  • With intuitive questioning, you can approach the conversation with much more freedom, which allows you to work together to understand without the expectation that you both have the final answers.
  • The forthcoming party walks away from the conversation heard and listened to, regardless of the outcome.

As leaders, we owe it to ourselves and those nearest us to develop these skills and empower those around us to develop these skills. To be heard is a gift that we as leaders can often overlook in the day-to-day hurry of running a business. However, if we can slowly implement this little practice of “intently listening and questioning genuinely,” we will have many more employees show up to work with vision and presence that will benefit the whole organization.

At DRYVE Leadership Group, we want to help business leaders develop a culture that invites their team to the table and incites a united team culture. Contact us today!