
Trials and Training | How to survive in life and business

A little preparation can go a long way.

It is because of training that I was able to beat cancer in 1992 and survive a plane crash in 2014. I credit training with giving me the skills to own a handful of businesses over the years and manage others. What I’ve discovered is that I am always in training and, actually, so are you!

During instances when my parents were taken advantage of, I learned to ask, “what would Jesus do?” In other words, seek God’s wisdom before reacting.

As I admired my big brother’s ability on the baseball diamond, I learned to use both hands to field a ground ball. That success on and off the field comes from unglamorous conditioning and focus.

These are just a handful of experiences which shaped me, but think about your own life. Are you applying life’s lessons or simply trying to make it through another day?

With more than six decades of “training,” I now leverage my experience to coach teams and individuals through the Dream Manager method. This program takes you step-by-step through the process of prioritizing your goals and achieving them.

If you are ready to reach your goals and become the “Best Version of Yourself,” let’s talk.

“Coaching leads to excellence. If we want out people to be excellent, coaching is a natural next step. We cannot reasonably expect our people to grow if we do not coach them.”
-Matthew Kelly, The Culture Solution