Jump On the Seesaw – Lead With Trust
Believing in your team and practicing trust will change your organizational culture. What you believe about your team and your ability to communicate that, as the leader, plays a vital role in the growth and direction of your organization. It serves both you and your team to express your beliefs often and clearly—specifically the positive.…
Read MoreTools to Change the Way You Lead – Listen Intently & Question Intuitively
As we learn how to lead others better, we must realize that often this starts with leading ourselves better. To listen intently and question intuitively could be two of the most pivotal changes you make in your approach to leading and being with your people in the workplace. How often do we lead meetings where…
Read MoreWhy Your Power Button Doesn’t Work…
From your millennial staff: Dear Old School Leader, We are not impressed by how powerful you are, how much time you’ve put in, and the “do as I say, not as I do” way of leadership. We are impressed by your honesty, vulnerability, and candid ability to lead with head and heart. We are significantly…
Read MoreHelp Wanted vs. Team Members Wanted
Help Wanted vs. Team Members Wanted Hiring and Retaining Quality Employees in the Fast-Paced Marketplace By Tyler Head From time immortal, leaders have hung out “help wanted” signs. Come help me build my empire. I need someone to do the grunt work that I am unwilling to do, and I will trade you dollars for…
Read MoreWash, Rinse, Repeat
By Tyler Head Wash, Rinse, Repeat Moving cohesively toward a common goal. Leaders are normally expected to have all the right answers, to set direction, and lead the charge. And yes, it takes courage to step out and lead in this way from the front of the pack, but it even takes more bravery to…
Read MoreSlash Your Employee Turnover While Skyrocketing Productivity
DRYVE Leadership Group was recently featured on Maven Monday’s, a show hosted by best-selling author Brandon Welch. In this episode, Brandon taps into Randy Mayes’ wisdom on how to Attract and Keep Good Employees. See info and resources below including info on how to write compelling ads to attract exactly the kind of people you…
Read MoreA Cultural Shift From People Managers To People Leaders
By Tyler Head I frequently converse with leaders whose actions often indicate that leadership is just another role in their company. They believe that it’s a light switch that you flip on when you walk through a doorway, a tone of voice when you pitch a new project or idea, or even a higher-paying position.…
Read MoreYour Vision Is Not Enough
One of the best traits a leader can have is vision. Leaders need to be champions of change and innovation to chart the course for a new and better future. Change is no longer an option. Our world is changing so rapidly that if you don’t modify and adapt, you will die. As Darwin said, it…
Read MoreWhat if Your Judgment Is Bad?
I frequently work with leaders who find themselves in conflict with other leaders or their team. Conflict itself is not bad. It is how we handle or mediate the conflict that will ultimately build or undermine our team unity and culture. There is a well-studied concept called the Fundamental Attribution Error*. This concept says that…
Read MoreReady, Set, Go!
Okay, we have turned the corner on another year. And while it is true that January 1st is just another day, it offers you as a leader a tremendous opportunity to move your team forward to take new ground. The first of the year is a symbolic starting line for all you want to get accomplished…
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