Laying The First Stone

By Tyler Head Building a bridge takes more courage than jumping off a cliff. In our previous insight, we discussed the power of “leading with heart” and laid out a few key characteristics, including vulnerability, cultivating psychological safety, and developing high-trust relationships. Next, we introduced expert resources we will be referring to throughout this Insight…

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Will You Bridge The Gap?

By Tyler Head In this insight and the following couple, we will discuss the power of leading with heart and warn you about the cost it has or could incur on your organization should you neglect it. Leading with heart includes characteristics like vulnerability, cultivating psychological safety, and developing high-trust relationships, among others. We will…

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The Human Connection – Being Fully Human Makes You a Better Leader

By Tyler Head In the last insight, we told the story of a coach who made a conscious effort to connect with his players and coaches, even as the organization grew. In case you missed it, you can read the full article here. His impact was felt throughout the league. However, maybe shaking the hands…

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By Tyler Head What does it look like to participate in your organization?  As your company grows, what does it look like to stay involved with what really matters?   As the distance between you and the day-to-day operations increases over time, how can you meaningfully stay in the game?   I once heard a story of…

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Squeaky Brakes—Wherever You Go There You Are

Early last week, I was driving through town as the sun set, windows rolled down, taking in the multiple shades of orange painted across the sky. As I slowly came to a stop, I heard a faint squeaking. I looked around and saw a couple of other cars also stopping—confident that that squeaky noise was…

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Uncle Ben said it best in Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility.” If you are reading this, he was talking to you. You have the authority to change the narrative in the hallways of your organization. You have the platform to speak into this cultural moment through both your actions and words. You have…

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Lightning and Thunder: How your curiosity as a leader can serve you and your people better

A couple of days ago, as I was driving across town, I peered over my steering wheel. I was captivated by the lightning that flashed vividly in the distance. Lightning is a magnificent and scary thing all at once. In a moment, it eradicates darkness. In the next, it is gone—shortly after comes a deafening…

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Do Your People Resemble Chickens?

Traditionally, purpose has been used as a means to an end, a tool in which organization leaders will scream and shout from the rooftops, yet very few people outside of the creator(s) of this statement can even care enough to look at it twice. Just because your organization’s purpose statement is plastered across your company…

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Kickball and The Art of Invitation – Part 2

By Tyler Head Kickball was the real deal at my school, and I knew that as a 6th grader.  One day after lunch an 8th grader walked by me in the hallway, pointed directly at me, and said, “Hey Tyler, Friday for kickball. Will you be on my team?” I’ll never forget that moment. I…

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The Power Of An Invitation – Part 1

By Tyler Head You may or may not remember recess; for me, it was a highly developmental time of my day… still is. Playing outside with classmates, running wild and free, playing in the dirt, organized games like tag, hide and seek, and the infamous kickball. My goodness, what a game to behold; male, female,…

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