Old School Leadership Model | On the Brink of Extinction

By Tyler Head A couple of days back, during a meeting with a client, we discussed a significant difference in leadership styles that are often overlooked but knocking on your front door. Allow me to set the scene. “Leader A” knows the way, as does “Leader B.” Both of these individuals oversee ten or more…

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A Cultural Shift From People Managers To People Leaders

By Tyler Head I frequently converse with leaders whose actions often indicate that leadership is just another role in their company. They believe that it’s a light switch that you flip on when you walk through a doorway, a tone of voice when you pitch a new project or idea, or even a higher-paying position.…

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Is Your Team Suffering Separation Anxiety?

Has all the physical separation got you concerned about your culture? If you are a proactive leader, it should. In its simplest form, culture is the way we do things around here. It is a set of—often unspoken—social norms and relational dynamics shared by a group of people. It is held in place and supported…

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What if Your Judgment Is Bad?

I frequently work with leaders who find themselves in conflict with other leaders or their team. Conflict itself is not bad. It is how we handle or mediate the conflict that will ultimately build or undermine our team unity and culture. There is a well-studied concept called the Fundamental Attribution Error*. This concept says that…

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The Gift

Gifts come in all sizes and shapes, but the best gifts do not come in a box or a bag. They come in the form of a human. Someone who is willing to get out of the way and be a change agent for good—a leader. Many of the best leadership principles have humble beginnings.…

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The Diet Pill Myth For Business

Imagine how great business could be if you had employees that were as dedicated and capable as you, salespeople that all consistently shatter quotas, and lots of customers that were loyal and eager to do business. Is there a “diet pill” that would instantly bring about these changes within your company? Remember, the goal is…

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Four Powerful Steps to Get More of What You Want & Balance the Scales of Business

By John Gibson In business and life, there’s a constant balancing of the scales between fortifying needs and reducing company stressors. Let’s explore one strategy to improve the abundance ratio significantly. The power of “Lean-in > Weigh-in > Buy-in > Stay-in” is unmatched. Some things that we perceive that we lack as business leaders could be:…

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Slaying the Giants

By John Gibson After years of success, a multi-location service business’ progress ground to a halt. Despite their success, infighting, employee disengagement, and consistent turnover were significantly undermining their development. In desperation, they reached out to a brilliant business coach. He quickly identified three giants in their land. The business coach surmised that there were…

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Your world has been turned upside-down, now what?

As a business leader, the stress of the current events is almost suffocating, but let’s keep it in perspective. It’s not the adverse conditions that create stress; it’s the lack of a meaningful response. Now is the time to step into the fray and lead.  So, where do you begin?  In our experience, great leaders find a…

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Why Employees Are Really Quitting

Everywhere you go, the landscape is littered with “Help Wanted” signs. They are in windows, posted by curbs, and even showing up on major billboards. Companies are desperate for employees. In many cases, entry-level starting wages have almost doubled. Offering more money will not set you apart. There are too many jobs and not enough…

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